Review for the second hour exam, part oneOrigins of organs and tissues:Teeth
secreted by infoldings of stomodeal ectodermal epithelium
Dentin (American spelling) or Dentine (British) (less hard, bone-like inner part of teeth)
Palate: palatal shelves: infoldings of sides of stomodeum: Thyroid Gland: formed by invaginations of anterior endoderm epithelium.
Salivary glands: 3 pairs; the most anterior pair form as invaginations of the stomodeal ectoderm. Lungs: invaginations in the anterior endodermal epithelium. Liver: invaginations in the endodermal epithelium. Pancreas: invaginations in the endodermal epithelium. Kidney: metanephros; Posterior part of the intermediate mesoderm. Urine duct (Metanephric duct) Posterior intermediate mesoderm.
Sperm Duct (=Vas Deferens) same as Pronephric Duct, Wolffian Duct
Seminiferous Tubules of testis, develop from genital ridge
Egg duct= oviduct : Müllerian duct; infolding in lateral plate mesoderm. Uterus: develop from middle and posterior parts of Müllerian duct. Many vertebrates have two uteruses; and this sometimes occurs as an abnormality ("birth defect") in humans. (Notice the analogy to formation of two hearts) Coelomic cavity: Lateral plate mesoderm Heart: Lateral plate mesoderm Skeletal muscles: Myotome of somites (paraxial mesoderm) Dermis (inner layer of skin): Dermatome of somites (paraxial mesoderm) Vertebrae: Sclerotome subdivisions of somites Nose (nostrils): Olfactory Placodes (thickenings and infolding of somatic ectoderm) Lenses of eyes: Lens Placodes (thickenings and infolding of somatic ectoderm)
Otic Placodes (thickenings and infolding of somatic ectoderm) Eustachian tube: first pair of gill slits = pharyngeal pouches Tonsils: second pair of gill slits = pharyngeal pouches Parathyroid gland: third and fourth pairs of gill slits = pharyngeal pouches Thymus: third and fourth pairs of gill slits = pharyngeal pouches Brain: Neural Tube Ectoderm Motor Nerves: Neural Tube Ectoderm Pigmented Retina: Neural Tube Ectoderm Neural Retina (of the eye): Neural Tube Ectoderm Optic Nerve: axons of ganglion cells of Neural Retina Sensory nerves: Neural crest ectoderm Post-ganglionic autonomic nerves: Neural crest ectoderm Melanocytes (or other pigment cells of the skin): Neural crest ectoderm Facial bones and muscles: Neural crest ectoderm Cloaca: proctodeum (invagination of posterior somatic ectoderm) Bladder: develops by separation of the anterior part of cloaca. Rectum: develops by separation of the posterior part of cloaca. Epidermis: Outer layer of the skin: Somatic ectoderm
Hair, scales, feathers: Outer layer of the skin: Somatic ectoderm.