Nov 27, 2017 "Exact?" "Plaque?" "Builds up" "Harden"The worst obstacle to discovery is the blunting of curiosity by pseudo-explanations."The exact cause of atherosclerosis isn't known" is a quote from the NIH public information web site of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The word "exact" , here, seems to me deliberately misleading. If they knew even approximately what causes it, then they would tell you what they know for sure, what are the main gaps in our knowledge, what are some competing alternative explanations? In contrast, the Wikipedia article on the same subject says: " The cause is not known" But they cite the NIH article as their own source!
What is "Plaque"? Does it mean anything to say that plaque builds up? There gets to be more of it?
Why doesn't plaque build up in veins? Why not mini-plaques in capillaries? Why not in ducts?
Can new arteries be induced to form by rearrangement of smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, collagen fibers and endothelial cells? All 4 cell types crawl actively when put in tissue culture. Platelets too.
Let's discuss the following quote: "Plaque may begin to build up where the arteries are damaged. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows the arteries. Eventually, an area of plaque can rupture (break open). When this happens, blood cell fragments called platelets (PLATE-lets) stick to the site of the injury. They may clump together to form blood clots. Clots narrow the arteries even more."