Biology 446 Unsolved Problems Fall 2011
Spontaneous rearrangementHow are complex geometric structures created by properties of their component parts? By what means can structures re-build themselves?Wilson's Phenomenon of sorting out of dissociated sponge cells.
Holtfreter's Phenomenon of sorting out of randomly mixed embryo cells. What concepts and analogies help us to think about these phenomena?
I) Minimization of thermodynamic free energy? Gibbs, Clerk-Maxwell, etc.
Malcolm Steinberg believes that if A is true, then B and C have to be true.
Actually, B doesn't have to be true. And if B isn't true, then neither will C be true.
II) Fuller & Ingber's popularization of "Tensegrity". (The "Oh-Wow" method of reasoning)
Dome houses' strength & efficient use materials is the same reason they leak.
III) Shape Homeostasis (First proposed under the name "anatomical homeostasis")
Analogous to Claude Bernard and Walter Cannon's idea (fact) of homeostatic control of quantities such as body temperature, Blood pH, glucose concentration, blood pressure, + just about all physiological properties.
Hypothesize that some cell forces change strengths in response to abnormalities of cell arrangements.
Ecologists have made good use of the homeostasis concept. Plus the Gaia idea + all that.
They have the advantage of nobody claiming that convergence to a stable state means free energy minima.
#1) Related questions and paradoxes about 3-D conformations of amino acid chains (i.e. proteins)
The true folded shapes of proteins can always be discovered and proven by X-ray diffraction. If they crystallize.
But what about computer predictions of protein folding based on knowing the amino acid sequence?
#2) Levinthal's Paradox. Small proteins can fold (and also RE-fold, after denaturation = random folding)
in only a thousandth of a second, or less. Everyone assumed they find whatever folding pattern minimizes free energy, until Cyrus Levinthal "did the math" on how many different combinations of folding would need to be tried. Billions of years would be needed to try all possible combinations of folding. So they can't try them all.
This leads to the concept of "Folding Funnels" that lead to protein conformations that are only local minima.
In contrast to Differential Adhesion, this thermodynamic reasoning is correct; it just doesn't give right answers.
#3) Diseases caused by self-catalysing of misfolding of certain brain proteins. Alzheimer's disease? + others.
#4) Prion-caused diseases like "Mad Cow Disease", Kuru and Scrapie. (misfolding started by food proteins)