Biology 441, Spring 2013: Vocabulary
You should know the meaning of the following terms from the glossary of the textbook (pp. 587-602) acrosomal reaction (acrosomal vesicle, acrosome) allantois amnion amniotes animal-vegetal axis antero-posterior axis archenteron area opaca axial structures bilateral symmetry blastocoel blastocyst blastoderm blastodisc blastomeres blastopore blastula block to polyspermy (rapid, slow) capacitation cell adhesiveness cell-cell interaction, cell-cell signaling cell differentiation cell-lineage restrictions cell motility chemoaffinity hypothesis chondrocytes cis-regulatory control region, modules cleavage clone cloning coding region compaction competence condensation control region convergent extension cortical granules cortical rotation cytoplasmic determinants cytoplasmic localization cytoskeleton dedifferentiation deep layer delamination dermatome developmental biology dorso-ventral axis ectoderm embryogenesis embryology embryonic ectoderm embryonic endoderm embryonic organizer embryonic stem cells endoderm epiblast epiboly epidermis epigenetic epimorphosis epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition evaginate extra-embryonic ectoderm extra-embryonic membranes cell fate; fate map fertilization membrane gametes gastrula gastrulation gene knock-in germ cells germ layers haploid cells Hensen's node hindbrain hox genes induction ingression inner cell mass in situ hybridization Instructive induction intracellular signaling invagination involution lateral plate mesoderm left-right asymmetry limb buds cell lineage macromeres medio-lateral axis meiosis mesenchyme mesenchyme-to-epithelium transition mesoderm micromeres mid-blastula transition mitosis morphallaxis morphogen morphogenesis morula mosaic development mytoblast myotome neural crest cells nurons neurula neurulation neural folds Nieuwkoop center notochord oocyte oogenesis organizer organogenesis osteoblasts outer enveloping layer paraxial mesoderm pattern formation phylotypic stage pluripotent pluteus polar bodies positional information, positional value prepattern pre-somitic mesoderm primitive streak primordial germ cells promoter pronucleus proximo-distal axis radial cleavage reaction-diffusion mechanisms regeneration regulation sclerotome segmentation Situs inversus somites Spemann organizer (or Spemann-Mangold organizer) sphere stage spiral cleavage stem cell syncytium transcription factor transdetermination trisomy trophectoderm vegetal region, vegetal pole vertebral column visceral endoderm vitelline membrane Wnt proteins yolk sac yolk cyncytial layer zona pellucida zygote