Vertebrate Embryology, January 25, 2013, Albert K. Harris
Yolk amount and concentration: Effects on cleavage patterns and gastrulation
Sea Urchin |
Amphibian |
Bird + Reptile
| Mammal |
Teleost Fish |
| | |
less yolk |
more yolk
(concentrated near
vegetal pole) |
very large
amount of yolk |
less yolk |
very much yolk |
| | |
equal cleavage |
unequal cleavage |
meroblastic cleavage |
equal cleavage |
meroblastic |
| | |
gastrulate by invagination (and some ingression) |
gastrulate by involution |
gastrulatealong primitive streak by ingression
| gastrulate along primitive streak by ingression
| epiboly |
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