First set of review questions for the second exam: SymmetryQuestions marked with a * are not easy, but you will gain a lot from thinking carefully about them. I won't ask many such difficult questions. Regarding symmetry: 1) If you can take a wall-paper pattern and either move it 2 inches to the right, or to the left, or move it 4, 6, 8 etc inches to either the right or left, and it would look the same, then what kind of symmetry does it have? (Let's assume it looks different if you move it one inch, or 3.5 inches, or any distance but multiples of 2 inches). Hint: displacement 2) If this pattern also looks the same after being rotated 60 degrees, 120 degrees, or 180 degrees, then what additional kind of symmetry does the pattern have? 3) If the pattern is all one color, and looks unchanged when moved an inch, or 1/2 inch, or any small distance, and is also apparently unchanged when rotated by any number of degrees, then does it have more or less symmetry than the patterns mentioned above? 4) When an animal develops regularly spaced stripes, in what way has the symmetry of its skin changed?
5) Suppose an animal develops regularly spaced spots: does it then have more, or less, symmetry than a striped animal? (increased or decreased?) 6) Turing's "Reaction Diffusion" mechanism (or "system") is a way to reduce/increase the d----------t symmetry of a spatial pattern? 7) If we have two diffusible chemicals, "X" and "Y", or "A" and "B", or "I" and "P", and one of them promotes increasing the concentration of itself and the other, at rates proportional to its own local concentration, while the other chemical promotes the removal or loss of both substances (at a rate proportional to what?), and if the destroying chemical diffuses several times faster than the other chemical, then what will happen?
7A) What kind of symmetry is "broken" by such a mechanism? 8) When the anterior-posterior axis of an amphibian oocyte is caused to form by the location where the sperm enters, then what change in symmetry has been caused? (And likewise for nematode oocytes).
9*) If you fertilize an amphibian or nematode oocyte exactly at the animal pole, and nevertheless it develops a normal anterior-posterior axis (with only one plane of reflection symmetry), then what does this suggest about the underlying mechanism by which a single anterior-posterior axis is chosen from the infinity axes of reflection symmetry that had existed until then? 10) Which symmetries, or combinations of symmetries are possessed by the following? Starfish? Jelly-fish? Propellers? Flowers? Daisies, Sun-flowers, Orchids, Lilies, Trees? Blastocysts? Gastrulas? Paramecia? Diatoms? Honeycombs? Apples? Bananas? Mitotic spindles? Flagella? Microtubules? Actin fibers? Muscle sarcomeres? Snails? Clams? Limpets? Barnacles? Feathers? Hairs? Claws? Teeth? Lungs? Glands? Lenses of eyes? Vertebrae? Arteries? Muscles and fibers in the walls of arteries? Bamboo? Fern leaves?! * Cauliflower? ** Mulberry leaves! Morulae? Knives? Forks? Spoons? Scissors? {Some of these are rather subtle and difficult; but please give each some thought.} 11) What (abnormal and also normal) planes of reflection symmetry are possessed by the bodies of conjoined twins? (so-called "Siamese Twins")
12*) Suggest reasons, in terms of embryological mechanisms, why conjoined twins are always (usually?) mirror images of each other? Think about whether embryological control mechanisms would interact, including either chemical gradients or mechanical forces, and what would be the effects of interactions between them. 13*) When human identical twins develop by forming two primitive streaks in the same inner cell mass, then one of these twins will (Usually? Always?) have situs inversus viscerum (aorta on the right side of the heart, etc & everything a mirror image shape and position). Suggest why. 14) When a force, or balance of forces have spherical symmetry, then what shape will they tend to remold a cell into? 15) If you see a mass of cells changing from other shape into a sphere, then what do you tentatively conclude about the forces responsible? 16) If a gene could make an internal force less symmetrical, then could that cause cells and tissues to change from one symmetry to another? 17) Becoming less symmetrical means losing (?) or gaining (?) elements of symmetry? Either way, what alternative kinds of mechanisms can be used to choose which specific planes or axes, or other symmetry elements, will be gained or lost? (Sperm entry? Gravity? Random flucuations? Anything else?) What if you just poked it at some time of special sensitivity? 18*) To prove the occurrence of an actual Turing mechanism, would you need to isolate and identify the actual chemicals? Or can you invent experimental criteria, such as how the resulting patterns are altered by water currents or by more viscous fluids, or barriers to permeability, or something else.
19*) What the symmetries are approximated by the path of a meandering river? (Take a look on Google Earth, or the next time you fly somewhere.) 20) Coiled snail shells have a combination or rotational and what other symmetry? 21) What phenomenon, discovered by Hans Driesch, indicates that developmental mechanisms of echinoderms have dilation symmetry? Does Driesch's entelechy have dilation symmetry!?
22) Try comparing the symmetries of brick locations in brick walls or sidewalks: how many different combination of symmetries can you find?