Lecture notes for Monday, February 22, 2016
Amoeboid Locomotion(And also "Crawling Locomotion" of embryonic and adult tissue cells)On the exams, you may be asked to identify which kind of amoeba is shown in a photograph, a diagram, or a video (or is described)
answer: Amoeba proteus; Shelled amoebae; Physarum; White blood cells = Leucocytes
[What kind of "amoeboid" cell is shown in the following photograph?
I) Amoeba proteus; & also Chaos carolinense
Cytoplasmic flow. ("Fountain Zone") This "gelling" of amoeba cytoplasm is caused by polymerization of cytoplasmic actin
Forward transport of marker particles attached to the outer surface of the plasma membrane; II) Shelled amoebae. Difflugia and others. Difflugia amoebae use pseudopodia to reach out & pull in tiny sand grains, which they build into a hollow ball, inside of which the amoeba lives. Some other genera secrete transparent hollow spheres. When being protruded outward, each small pseudopod has a fountain-zone pattern of cytoplasmic flow and sol-gel conversion. When these pseudopodia touch anything, they adhere and are somehow induced to contract.
This cycle of Protrusion - Adhesion - Contraction pulls the cell forward and pulls particles rearward.
III) Rolling Amoebae:
Adhering marker particles are pulled forward across the top, and rearward on the bottom. IV) Dictyostelium: (and other Cellular Slime Molds) Crawling locomotion is the most like tissue cells of any of these kinds of amoeboid organisms. Move either as individual cells, phagocytizing bacteria, and then as multicellular "slugs". This aggregation is induced to occur when cells "attract" each other by chemotaxis; the attractant substance (for D. discoideum) is cyclic AMP. Differentiation of amoebae to form stalk, and spores. (in about the proportions of a coconut palm tree) Fruiting bodies (Meaning tree-like combination of stalk plus spores] can be as big as several hundred thousand amoeboid cells, and as small as 14 cells. An extreme example of dilation symmetry, comparable to what Driesch discovered with larvae of starfish and sea urchins (Echinoderms) 16-fold One Thousand-fold.
V) Physarum Highly multinucleate syncytia
Gigantic in comparison to Amoeba proteus!
VI) Labyrinthula
Mostly live in salt water. Cause a major disease of sea grasses & major ecological changes. There are more different kinds of amoeboid organisms, such as foraminifera, and others waiting to be discovered. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Examples of crawling locomotion by cells of multicellular animals:
Primary and secondary mesenchyme of sea urchin embryos; Videos: leucocyte crawling among red blood cells a single cell on a rubber substratum video of chick primitive streak Functions served by the crawling locomotion of tissue cells
Wound healing; Wound closure.
What exerts the force in the locomotion of tissue cells? Actin polymerizes (molecules of actin protein diffuse through the cytoplasm, and are somehow induced to polymerize ("gel?")) along some parts of the edges of each cell. This polymerization pushes outward thin stiff flat sheets called "lamellipodia". (And sometimes rod-like filopodia and small, hemispherical "blebs" or lobopodia.) Stiff, polymerized sheets of actin get pulled rearward toward the middle of each cell.
Anything that adheres to the outer surface of the plasma membrane gets pulled rearward.
Cells cultured either on gels or on sheets of rubber pull rearward and distort these materials (see the video of a single cell on a rubber substratum, linked above).
There is also evidence that at least some parts of the plasma membrane itself flow rearward.
Mesenchymal and epithelial cell locomotion is directionally inhibited by cell-cell contact.
Some cancerous cells overlap more randomly and their locomotion is less inhibited by cell-cell contact. Use of cell traction to realign type I collagen to form tendons, ligaments and skeletal muscles
Diagram of muscle formation
This figure is from Stopak and Harris (1982). Connective Tissue Morphogenesis by Fibroblast Traction. Developmental Biology 90, 383-398. Leg bones from 10-day old chick embryos were put in a culture dish with pieces of thigh muscle in a collagen gel. The collagen becomes aligned between the muscle explants and the bones as a result of cell traction, forming an anatomical pattern that looks like a natural leg.
A color slide of an artificial muscle formed in this way.