Review questions for the first hour exam

[VERY IMPORTANT]: For every one of the photographs, drawings and diagrams on the lecture web pages, you ought to be able to write what it depicts, label the parts and explain their significance.

For example, can you identify and describe each of the drawings in this diagram?


Some special embryological words: Learn to talk like a pro.

Polar bodies: Small cells formed on oocytes by the two meiotic divisions.

Animal pole: The place on an embryo surface where the polar bodies formed.
(In most species, yolk is less concentrated here. Frog eggs rotate with animal pole upward.) I know people who think that yolk density and distribution is what defines the animal pole, but they are wrong. It's the location of the polar bodies, and the oocyte nucleus.)

Vegetal pole: The side of an oocyte or early embryo 180 degrees opposite the animal pole.

Blastomere: Any cell of a cleavage-stage or blastula-stage embryo
(Why not just call them early embryonic cells? It's traditional.)

Blastula: A stage of development of a sea urchin or an amphibian in which a hollow cavity has formed inside the embryo (with no connection to the outside)

Blastocoel: The hollow (water filled) cavity inside a blastula.

Blastocyst: The hollow ball stage of a mammalian embryo.

Gastrulation: Active movement of cells from the surface into the interior of a blastula.

"Early gastrula": An embryo in which gastrulation has just begun.
     Not many cells have moved into the interior, yet.

Guess what is meant by "mid-gastrula" and"late-gastrula" stages.

Invagination: folding inward of part of a epithelial sheet of cells
(Caused by contraction of the concave ends of the cells; & there are other theories)

Sea urchin gastrulation occurs by invagination. Human lungs form by invagination of part of the archenteron.

Archenteron: The future digestive tract, formed during gastrulation.

Blastopore: The opening into the archenteron.

    In sea urchin embryos, the blastopore forms at the vegetal pole.

    In frog and salamander embryos, the blastopore forms below the equator, on the side of the embryo that will become the posterior.

Stomodeum: A small invagination that becomes the mouth. Connects to the archenteron. In sea urchin gastrulas, it forms near the animal pole.

Ingression: Movement of epithelial cells out of an epithelium, and change to becoming mesenchymal. Partly caused by weakening of cell-cell adhesion, and increased adhesion to extracellular fibers on the side of the epithelium toward which the cells move.

For example, the primary and secondary mesenchyme cells of sea urchin embryos are formed by ingression.

In bird, reptile & mammal embryos, gastrulation is by ingression instead of by invagination.
Involution: A variation of invagination (in frog & salamander gastrulation) in which epithelial cells "roll" into the interior of the embryo. The blastopore is a curved slit, when formed this way. As this slit elongates, its ends curve downward, and eventually meet each other, forming a circle ("yolk plug stage").

Epithelial fusion Some examples are the fusion of the archenteron with the stomodeum and the fusion of one neural fold with the other neural fold.

Cavitation (of masses of mesenchymal cells, to form epithelial tubes, or sheets). Reorientation of cells to form an epithelial sheet surrounding a water-filled cavity. The blastocoel is formed by cavitation. Teleost fish form their neural tube by cavitation, but other vertebrates form their neural tubes by folding.


(There is quite a bit of redundancy in the questions below.)

Questions marked with a * are not easy, but you will gain a lot from thinking carefully about them. I won't ask many such difficult questions.

Questions marked with ** will not be on the exam.

1) Would you expect the first polar body to be haploid, or diploid?
[answer: diploid]

2) What about the ploidy of a second polar body?
[answer: haploid]

3) Suppose that a sperm fused with a second polar body; might it then develop into some part of the person who develops from that oocyte? (explain your reasoning, pro or con.)
answer: Yes, it might become part of the person's body. It is haploid and if it fuses with a sperm it would become diploid.

4) By what evidence might you be able to detect that part of a person's body developed that way? (hint: You wouldn't actually need to see it happen.)
[one eye blue, the other eye brown]

5) If the spindle of a meiotic division (of an oocyte) got moved away from the animal pole, then the cleavages would divide to oocyte into more equal parts (i.e. either one or both polar bodies would be much bigger, even as big as a quarter or half the oocyte). What if such abnormal polar bodies developed as parts of the body?

6) Why decide differentiated cell type by such active rearrangements as invagination, ingression and other "morphogenetic movements"?
Nobody knows for sure. It might be because forces influence cell differentiation.

7) What function is served, do you guess, by keeping extra sets of chromosomes until so late?
[answer: transcribing lots of RNA]
All four sets of chromosomes continue transcribing RNA to be stored in the oocyte.

8) Is there really a certain "moment of conception" at which time each individual becomes genetically unique?
[answer: If there were such a moment, it would be after fertilization, because meiosis isn't finished until after fertilization. ]
This is a matter of opinion, but the fertilized human oocyte is triploid until the second meiotic division is completed.

Incidentally, sea urchin oocytes really do become haploid before fertilization. Also jelly-fish.
But all other phyla are like vertebrates. Many are like dogs in which fertilization occurs before both meiotic divisions.


9) List 5 important differences between sea urchins versus mammal development.

10) List some important similarities

See the notes from the first lecture (January 10) for the answers to these questions.


11) Fertilization occurs when, relative to meiosis?

    a) In human oocytes?
    [answer: before the second meiotic division is finished]

    b) In dog oocytes?
    [answer: before either meiotic division is completed]

    c) In Jelly-fish oocytes?
    [answer:after the second meiotic division is complete]

    d) Name one other phylogenetic group of animals that are like jelly-fish in this respect.
    [answer: echinoderms]


12) What are the three primary germ layers?
hint: E,     M,     E.

13) What are two organs that develop from each of these, in mammals?
[ectoderm - brain, outer layer of skin
mesoderm - muscles, skeleton, kidneys
endoderm - lung, liver, pancreas]

14) Describe at least three active cell rearrangements.
[answer: Invagination, ingression, cavitation, ...]

15) Sketch cell arrangement in sea urchins at the 4 cell stage.

16) Sketch cell arrangements in a mammal embryo at the 4 cell stage.

17) Do mammal embryos sometimes not have a 4 cell stage? Explain why they might not.
[answer: Cleavages are not synchronous.]

18) Sketch cell arrangements at the blastula and blastocyst stages.

19) Blastocysts are a stage of embryonic development in...

    just sea urchins?
    just vertebrates?
    just mammals?
    just humans?
    most multicellular animals?
[answer: just mammals]

20) Blastulas are a stage of embryonic development in...

    just sea urchins?
    just vertebrates?
    just mammals?
    just humans?
    most multicellular animals?

[answer: many multicellular animals, but not mammals or teleosts or insects]

21) Morphogenetic cell movements occur during the development of? just sea urchins? etc.
[answer: all multicellular animals]

22) Ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm occur in? just sea urchins? just vertebrates, etc.
[answer: they all occur in embryos of nearly all multicellular animal]

23) What is the difference between holoblastic versus meroblastic cleavage?
[in holoblastic cleavage the cleavage furrow goes all the way through; in meroblastic cleavage, the furrow goes only partway through because of the yolk]

24) If a human oocyte were simultaneously fertilized by two sperm, instead of one, then how many complete sets of chromosomes would it then have?
[answer: 4]

25) List and briefly describe (which should include drawing a sketch of each) at least four morphogenetic cell movements.

26) Describe and sketch several specific embryological examples of invagination.

The following are nine examples of invagination:
Infolding of the archenteron in echinoderm embryos; or in amphibian embryos; or the infolding of the stomodeum of echinoderms, or amphibians, or mammals, or birds; infolding of the neural tube in embryos of amphibians, birds or mammals.

**27) Describe and sketch several specific embryological example of epithelial fusion
. Fusion of the archenteron with the stomodeum, in embryos of echinoderms and amphibians. Fusion of the neural folds with each other.

**28) Describe and sketch several specific embryological examples of ingression.
In echinoderm embryos, formation of the primary mesenchyme (which secretes the skeleton) and the secondary mesenchyme (which differentiates into muscle cells); formation of the neural crest in vertebrates

**29) Which of these morphogenetic movements consists of epithelial cells becoming converted into mesenchymal cells?
[all cases of ingression, primary mesenchyme formation, etc.]

*30) The neural tube of teleosts forms by rearrangement of a solid rod of cells into a hollow epithelial tube. This process is called "cavitation". In what sense is it the reverse of ingression?
[ingression converts epithelial cells to mesenchymal cells]

31) What is at least one other example in which a solid mass of cells rearranges to form an enclosed cavity?
[answer: blastocoel formation]

32) What is a fundamental difference between the blastocyst of mammal embryos and the blastula of echinoderm (sea urchin) embryos?
[the whole blastula becomes part of the body in sea urchins, but only about 5% of a blastocyst becomes part of the body]

How similar are they? Make a sketch of each. How could you tell them apart?

33) About what percentage of the cells in a mammal blastocyst will become parts of the body of the animal?
[about 5%]

34) What structures are formed by the other 95%of the blastocyst cells?
[part of the placenta]

*35) Sketch from memory the diagram of the branching railway tracks leading to 'brain", "sensory nerves", "skin", "notochord", "dermatome", "myotome", "sclerotome", "kidneys", & "heart".

36)An exam question might consist of this branching pattern, with blanks instead of words, and you would be asked to fill in the blanks.

37) True or false: "The concept of embryonic induction is that the metaphorical railway switches in this diagram are controlled by specific signaling chemicals secreted by nearby cells."

**38) Suggest possible reasons why geometric rearrangements of embryonic cells need to occur in order for the eventual 250 differentiated cell types to be located in the correct anatomical locations, relative to each other. (I am guessing there must be some reason. Why not just form the nervous system by differentiation of cells that were already located in the interior of the blastula, etc.?)

    ?Perhaps because movements are an effective way of sharpening the boundaries between organs?

    ?Perhaps because physical forces are used as signals that contribute to induction of cell differentiation?

    ?Perhaps migrations of cells cause them to become located next to a sequence of different cells, from which they get a series of different chemical signals, that (for some reason) they need to receive one at a time, in certain sequences?

    ?Please suggest some other possible reason.

*39) Based on what you now know about some the normal cell rearrangements that occur during embryonic development, please invent some possible birth defects.
For example, what if the edges of the neural tube failed to fuse with each other?

40) Chemical signals that can stimulate embryonic induction can also cause birth defects: Explain why you could have predicted this.
[They might cause extra organs to form in the wrong place]

41) Many scientists now hope to develop methods to re-grow damaged organs, starting with undifferentiated "stem cells". Explain why they will need to use chemicals that can cause embryonic induction.
[to form new organs]

42) Explain the difference between holoblastic cleavage versus meroblastic cleavage.

43) Compare amounts and distributions of yolk in oocytes of sea urchins, mammals, teleosts, amphibians, and birds.

44) Imagine that you discovered oocytes of some unknown kind of animal, could you predict whether they would undergo holoblastic or meroblastic cleavage, based on size of the oocyte, amount of yolk, and/or un-eveness of yolk distribution? Please explain.
[If lots of yolk, densely packed into the oocyte, then meroblastic]

45) Why does mammal gastrulation (i.e. gastrulation of mammal embryos) resemble bird gastrulation much more than mammal gastrulation resembles gastrulation of amphibian embryos?
[because mammals evolved from egg-laying mammals and from reptiles]

46) What are the advantages of zebra fish for research? List at least 4.
You can suggest some that are not listed on the web page.

47) Are there (Is there?) any advantages that is/are absolute "deal-breakers", in the sense that no animal or plant that lacks that (those) properties could be used as model research organisms?
[Can you keep the organism in captivity? Can you fertilize the oocytes? Can you raise embryos to adults?]

*48) A certain species of sponge is listed on the internet as being a "model organism", although they do not reproduce in captivity and live only on the Great Barrier Reef, along north-eastern Australia.
Should we add the following new criterion for choosing model organisms: "In order to study them, scientists must go to beautiful tropical islands"?
This is meant to be humorous.

*49) Would actual Zebras be as good as Zebra Fish as experimental animals? Why not?
[answer: No? Long life cycle, Large size; Lions eat them.]

50) Xenopus laevis is now being replaced by Xenopus tropicalis as a "model organism" for the reason that X. laevis turned out to be tetraploid. Figure out why tetrapoidy is such a disadvantage. (Hint: genetic manipulation is more difficult; imagine trying to do gene knockouts, if every gene has 4 copies)

51) Teleost oocytes are spherical until fertilized, but cytoplasm then flows into a hemispherical bump at the animal pole. Suggest what force would be capable of causing this flow? You are welcome to suggest two or more possible forces, or sets of forces.

52) What and where is the "Yolk Syncytial Layer"?

53) What and where is the "Enveloping Layer"?

54) What and where are the "Deep Cells"?

55) Which of these develop into the body of the fish?
[answer: just the deep cells]

56) Draw cross-sections of teleost embryos at several stages of development

*57) If you wanted to test whether embryonic induction is a normal part of teleost development, how would you try to do this?
[graft an embryonic structure to an abnormal location]

*58) Suppose that a researcher inserted a micropipette through the enveloping layer and sucked out about half of the deep cells (before gastrulation), and then let gastrulation and body formation continue as normally as it could, which of the following might happen?

    maybe? A half-sized fish would develop, with all the organs half their normal sizes?
    [answer: probably]
    ? A tail-less fish would develop, in which the head and body were normal size, but no posterior organs developed?
    [answer: maybe]

What could each of these results tell us (or hint to us) about normal mechanisms of fish development?

*59) Design some experiments that would take advantage of one or more of the peculiarities of teleost embryos to help answer some fundamental biological question.

60) Suppose that teleosts have evolved a fundamentally different set of mechanisms to neurulate, gastrulate, or to control cell differentiation (as compared with the mechanisms evolved by mammals) then does that mean that discovery of the human mechanisms will be delayed or even prevented? Argue pro or con.
[Probably delay, because people will have mistaken preconceptions]
In fact, teleost embryos form their neural tube by hollowing out a solid rod of cells, as compared with folding a flat sheet of epithelial cells, as occurs in all other vertebrates)

*61) Deep cells converge toward the body axis equally from right and left, adding themselves to the posterior end of the body (first head, then neck, then,,,, etc and finally tail. What might happen if you physically removed all or most of the deep cells to the left of the body axis, just before they had a chance to add themselves to the body?

And what could each possible result tell you about normal mechanisms of development?

Visualize an experiment in which deep cells from a teleost embryo were inserted into the blastocoel of a gastrulating salamander embryo.

62) Compare this with Spemann and Pröscholdt's discovery of embryonic induction

63) If conjoined twins developed from a teleost embryo, describe and sketch sequential stages by which such twinning could/would occur.

*64) Invent an imaginary sequence of early embryonic events, as different as possible from what actually occurs in teleosts, amphibians, birds or mammals.

*65) What are some testable predictions of the assumption that the reptile&bird pattern of development evolved first in egg-laying species? [I have thought of one! Hint: I got the idea from Ichthyosaurs, which could not crawl up on beaches to lay eggs]

*66) What do primates have in common with rodents that could explain the similarity of implantation of their embryos?
[answer: Hide in trees or burrows. Mothers & newborns are less vulnerable.]

*67) Would it be possible for a species of reptile or bird to have identical twins?
[answer: yes]

68) Would it be possible for a species of reptile or bird to have conjoined twins?
[yes, and they frequently do]

69) If the true answer to one of the preceding questions were proven to be "yes", then what would be the answer to the other question? And explain why?

70) Why can't you observe belly-buttons on birds?
[Because feathers are not transparent. Birds do have them; even turtles & snakes do.]

*71) If an indentation in the flexible shell of a reptile pushed directly on the anterior end of the primitive streak, then what sort of birth defect might result?
[answer: two heads]

72) Would you expect it to be possible for the same kind of birth defect to occur in a bird?
[answer: sure, why not but less likely because egg shells are not flexible]

*73) If a set of genetically identical triplets were born, with two of the three having been inside the same chorion and the third having been surrounded by a completely different chorion, then describe the events that must have happened to produce the bodies of the triplets.

74) If each of a pair of twins were implanted at different parts of a uterus, some distance apart, then what event must have occurred to produce this result?
[answer: two different blastocysts]

75) Suppose that a frog was discovered in which part of the body is haploid: What might have gone wrong in meiosis that could have produced this result?
[answer: if the second polar body became part of the blastula]

76) Suppose that you had some way to cause development of sperm that have no DNA (or whose DNA has been damaged so badly that it can never replicate or make mRNA). If you fertilized a fish egg with these sperm, what would be the result?
[answer: haploid fish]

**77) What if, in addition, you prevented the first cleavage division from occurring (in one of your oocytes that were fertilized with inactivated sperm), but then let all further cell divisions occur normally.
[Hint: What would be unusual about the genes in the resulting fish?]
[answer: Fish homozygous for ALL their genes! This has been done thousands of times, and is a standard method. A LOT easier than inbreeding.]

78) What are two different ways that you could produce triploid animals?
[answer: Fertilize with two sperm; resorb the second polar body]

79) Imagine that an embryo's first polar body was large enough to become one of the individual embryonic cells, what sort of detectable abnormality could this produce?
[answer: part of the body would be genetically different from the rest]

*80) Would you tend to guess that conjoined twinning results from

    (1) One embryo splitting into two, but with one part of the body not separating.
    (2) Two (originally separate) embryos adhering together but merging only parts of their bodies.
[either could be true]

*81) What kind of evidence would/could help answer this question?

    (1) Would it help answer this question if a pair of identical twins were born sharing two different parts of the body? (in the sense of being joined at two separate places)

    (2) Or would this disprove both possible mechanisms? [Hint: No]

    (3) Does the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of Proshöldt and Spemann influence your conception of what sorts of process might be the cause of conjoined twins?

[the cause could be induction of a second body]

82) In a few percent of identical twins, one of the twins has its aorta on the right side, and all its abdominal organs (stomach, spleen, intestine, chambers of the heart) are mirror images of the normal geometry of these asymetrical organs. This is called situs inversus viscerum, and can also occur in babies that are not twins. Please invent a possible cause, in general terms, it happens because development of these organs is partly controlled by...?

83) If a pair of twins were conjoined head to back (which doesn't really happen), in what sort of spatial pattern would you expect hox gene expression to occur? Please make a sketch.

84) In sea urchin embryos, the primary mesenchyme cells form which tissue?

85) Primary mesenchyme cells originally develop from cytoplasm located around what location of the oocyte?
[vegetal pole]

86) Please sketch a sea urchin embryo late during the process of gastrulation. On this sketch, label the locations of the blastopore, the blastocoel, the archenteron, the primary mesenchyme, the stomodeum and the animal pole. (Write each of these words, and draw an arrow from the word to the location of each of these structures.)

87) Be able to recognize a sketch of a sea urchin gastrula, label its parts (as in the preceding question), and tell what tissue or organ will develop from each of these parts.

88) Please sketch a frog or salamander embryo early in gastrulation, and label the blastopore, the animal pole and the vegetal pole.

89) Label the parts of the surface of an early amphibian gastrula that will differentiate into nerve cells. (This is not as difficult as it might seem)

90) Sketch an amphibian embryo at the end of gastrulation, and label the locations of the future nerve cells and the blastopore.

91) Sketch an amphibian neurula stage embryo which has previously had some notochord tissue grafted into its blastopore. Label the neural tube, and the second neural tube.

92) List as many differences as you can, between sea urchin development as contrasted with human embryology.

93) Please list as many similarities as you can between sea urchin development and human embryology.

94) Sketch a cross section through the stage of development in which there is the maximum similarity between embryos of all vertebrates (Fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles and humans.

95) Why are human egg cells triploid right after gastrulation?

96) What's the distinction between invagination and ingression? [whether cells remain epithelial or convert to become mesenchymal.

*97) In what sense is cavitation the reverse of ingression?

98) Increasing size and density of yolk in oocytes tends to result in gastrulating by ingression rather than invagination. (?) Is that true? What are some examples? Suggest possible reasons.

99) Is there a relation between yolk density and size and holoblastic versus meroblastic cleavage? What is that relation? Can you explain this relation in mechanical terms?

100) Is it accurate to say that (most mammal) embryos cleave like sea urchins but gastrulate like birds?

**101) Please sketch a railway branching in the pattern in which vertebrate embryonic tissues subdivide into the three "primary germ layers", and then how each of these subdivides further into brain, etc. etc. notochord etc. etc. lungs. Draw and label as many sub-branches as you can.

*102) What are some kinds of fish that are not teleosts?
[sharks, gar fish]

103) What are the enveloping layer and the yolk syncytial layer? Do they become any particular parts of the fishes bodies? (hint, no; but explain why)

104) What are "deep cells", and what organs of the fish's bodies to deep cells develop into?

105) How is the neurulation of teleost embryos different from the neurulation of other kinds of vertebrates? Would you guess this difference has any relation to the enveloping layer? *HINT: Why might teleosts seldom or never have the birth defect called "spina bifida"?

106) Sketch at least 4 stages of the early embryonic development of frog and salamander embryos.

107) What is a major advantage of frog and salamander embryos for embryological research?

108) What is meant by embryonic induction? What Swedish prize was awarded to Spemann for discovering embryonic induction?

109) Which UNC professor first proved that embryonic induction occurs in nematode embryos? [Bob Goldstein]

110) (Guess) why many scientists considered that nematodes might probably NOT have any examples of embryonic induction? Hint: It's NOT because they don't have notochords.

*111) [Hint for the preceding question] If Driesch had used nematode embryos instead of starfish embryos, why would he have reached different conclusions?

*112) If salami can induce formation of neural tubes, why does that increase the difficulty of finding out what the normal molecular signal is that causes induction in normal embryos (into which nothing has been implanted)?

113) Imagine that extracts of salami could induce differentiation of more bone, wherever you injected the substance, would ten thousand dollars be charged for pieces of salami?

The next few questions are about an experiment that will be discussed in the lecture on January 31st.

114) Describe the method and result of Wilhelm Roux's famous "hot needle" experiment. What theory was this experiment designed to confirm?

115) In what ways was this experiment and its results a little different from what is usually said or assumed?

*116) What do you think might be the real reasons for the results of this experiment?

**117) Remembering Lewis Wolpert's very popular theory that embryonic regulation is caused by if-not-linear-then-at-least-monotonic "morphogen" chemical gradients, in what sense do the results of Roux's hot needle experiment contradict and maybe even disprove Wolpert's theory? Hint: Would diffusion gradients not be prevented or at least distorted by the hot needle damage to cells? Shouldn't any kind of cell-cell signalling, including induction, have been visibly disturbed by the effects if the hot needles?

*118) Suppose that poking cells with hot needles had stimulated cells to send strong inductive signals and induce nearby undamaged cells to switch from differentiating into skin to differentiate into nerves, instead. After all, if tiny pieces of salami can do it, maybe heat-damaged cells can, also!

Describe what Roux would have observed, if hot needles had released inducing substances. Figure out what his interpretation would probably have been. Would Roux have been the discoverer of embryonic induction, instead of Spemann? Or would such results have been uninterpretable? And would Roux perhaps just not told people about them.

Without being stimulated and guided by some kind of theory, can you either design experiments or interpret their results?

119) If you were going to repeat Roux's hot needle experiment:

    i) Why would you NOT use nematodes?
    ii) What would be good reasons to use sea urchins, or some other echinoderms?
    iii) What new phenomenon or principle could you reasonably hope to discover by repeating Roux's hot needle experiment?
    iv) Would you need to invent some new theory in order to justify a grant to repeat Roux's experiment?
    *v) Can experimental results tell you anything that you have not already guessed might be true?

120) Describe gastrulation in birds.

121) Describe gastrulation in mammals.

122) In what sense is the first week of human embryology spent building a pre-embryonic structure to house, feed and produce the eventual embryo, where gastrulation, neurulation, somite segmentation etc, can then subsequently occur.

123) Diagram the three different ways that mammals can form identical twins.

*124) Why would you guess that elementary textbooks and Wikipedia assume that identical twins occur by separation of the first two cells?

125) Chickens are deliberately "bred" to produce abnormally big yolks, for people to eat. Suggest why a side effect might be an increase in the frequency of identical twinning, including more conjoined twins in those eggs whose yolks are only moderately larger that normal, but separate twins in those with the biggest yolks. (Such phenomena have actually been reported).

126) If it were really true that twins become conjoined because of being pushed together, then could non-identical twins sometimes become conjoined, in addition to identical twins?

*127) Sometimes, one of a pair of identical twins has all his or her heart, stomach and liver arranged and shaped so that they are mirror images of normal hearts, etc. (e.g. The aorta comes out the right side of the heart and the pulmonary artery comes out the left side.) Suggest a hypothesis to explain how and why this happens.

128) What might happen if you pushed two starfish or sea urchin embryos tightly together side by side?
(Answer: it develops into a double-sized pluteus)
How is this experiment related to what Driesch did?

129) What might happen if you killed an embryo of a sea urchin or a frog embryo at the one celled stage, and pushed this dead cell tightly against the side of an undamaged embryo at its one cell stage?
Hint: Suppose that the results were analogous to what happened in Roux's experiment.

130) Describe at least five different kinds of amoeboid locomotion. Which of these have cytoplasmic flow? Which kinds of amoebae have membranes outside the cells?

131) What is the function of amoeboid locomotion inside the body? List and describe at least four important examples.


Additional questions added January 20th, 4 pm:

132) What is the key difference between osmosis and electroosmosis?
[Osmotic pressure is caused by a higher concentration of dissolved molecules and/or ions being confined inside a semipermeable membrane, but electroosmotic pressure is caused by a higher concentration of ions kept near sulfates or other charged groups attached to polymers or other immobilized molecules.]

133) Which phenomenon can produce stronger pressures?
[Both can produce the same pressures, which are 22 atmospheres of pressure per one molar concentration of trapped ions or molecules.]

134) How much of our skeleton starts out being made of cartilage, instead of bone
[almost all of it; all except the roof of the skull and a few others]

135) Does cartilage get replaced by bone or does it get changed into bone?

136) Do shapes of bones result from swelling pressures or from signal molecules (positional information)
[You could argue either pro or con.]

137) Does lengthening of cartilages result from increasing concentrations of charged ions or from weakening of the fibers that the charged sulfates are attached to?
[Most assume the former, but it isn't really known]

138) By what sorts of experiments could you hope to answer the preceding question?
[Nobody knows! I value your opinion.]

*139) Can the concept of "positional information" account for shapes of cartilages and bones?
[hint: their shapes result partly from where cells differentiate into chondrocytes (cartilage cells) but also partly result from swelling different amounts and in different directions.]

140) Half-sized amphibian embryos form half sized neural tubes; How well does the "French Flag" concept explain this example of "regulation"?

*141) Gastrulation of half-sized embryos also invaginates half the volumes of future mesoderm and endoderm, as compared with gastrulation of normal sized embryos. How well does this fit the concept of "positional information". (You can argue either pro or con.)

142) The kinds of amoeboid locomotion used by multicellular animal cells and by Dictyostelium slime molds have what properties in common?
? Small particles attached to the outsides of their plasma membranes get pulled toward the rear of crawling cells?
? In addition to crawling around as individual cells, they use their propulsion mechanism to build multicellular structures? [Both of the above!]

143) Describe movements of attached on at least two other categories of amoeboid cells.
(remember the "rolling amoebae", that transport objects forward on the top, and the "shelled amoebae" that reach out pseudopods, which attach to external objects and then contract]

144) Describe the movements of Labyrinthula amoebae, and their many layers of membranes.

This completes the list of questions. Friday's class will be a review session.



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