Lecture notes for Monday, January 14, 2019
Anatomical Shape Formation:"Morphogenetic movements"Cells actively move and rearrange to build anatomical structures.Sometimes certain cells merely differentiate at their proper positions, and just stay there. At the other extreme, the eventual positions of some other kinds of cells have little or nothing to do with where they will eventually be.
Four important kinds of active cell rearrangements that form anatomy:#1) Invagination (= folding of epithelial cell sheets).#2) Cell crawling ("Amoeboid cell locomotion", Exertion of traction) #3) Osmotic pressure, Electroosmotic Pressure (the kind exerted by cartilage) #4) Inflation of water-filled cavities (such as the brain and eye-balls) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Videos shown in this lecture:a leucocyte (white blood cell) moving by amoeboid locomotion among red blood cellsgastrulation in a sea urchin embryo neurulation in an amphibian embryo
simulation of neurulation in a chick embryo mesenchymal cells forming clumps as they pull on a collagen substratum
birefringence of collagen viewed through polarizing filters as it is contracted by cells exerting tractional forces
mesenchymal cells on a silicone rubber substratum, forming wrinkles in the rubber by tractional pulling
nerve axons extending by tractional force exerted at their tips animation and video of particles moving on the surface of mesenchymal cells -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Examples of epithelial invagination (infolding)The (1) archenteron of sea urchin gastrulas.The (2) neural tube of all vertebrates (except NOT in teleost fish) Infoldings that become (3) lenses of the eyes, that become (4) the inner ears. Infoldings of the endoderm that become (5) salivary glands, (6) pancreas, (7) liver, (8) kidney tubules, (9) mouth, (10) nose, and (11) teeth are formed by invaginations of epithelial cell sheets.
Sample Questions:A) What are ten examples of organs of the body that are formed by epithelial invaginations?B) Guess how sea urchin embryos form their coelomic cavities? C) Guess how hair follicles develop. D) Guess how the neural retina becomes separate from the pigmented retina.
Epithelial folding is believed to be caused by contraction of cytoplasmic actin and myosin when they somehow get concentrated in the concave surfaces of epithelia. (Other mechanisms have been proposed, some based of differential swelling)
Evidence in favor of this mechanism:
More evidence is needed:
Possibilities: Why does one part of an epithelium fold, but another doesn't? What are some other possibilities? By what experiments could you learn more? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------