Albert Harris:
Office 103 Wilson Hall; phone 966-1230
Home phone 493-1572 (Durham)
Office Hours: 11:00 to 1:00 Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 1:30-4:00 Friday, and by appointment
Issues for class discussion on November 28th The immune system [posted October 29] Monoclonal antibodies, illustrated [posted October 25] Suggestions for the ENCODE reports [posted October 23] Some of examples of using the ENCODE web sites [posted October 18]
UCSC ENCODE site (genome browser and data compilations) Most of what you read was wrong: how press releases rewrote scientific history
the Potti and Nevins Duke scandal, notes and links for class discussion
The Parable of Fighting Off Crocodile Attacks with Improved BB-guns and Fly-swatters
link to ENCODE web sites [posted September 28] Practice for the erroneous paper assignment [posted September 25]
Some notes on Spontaneous arrangement to form shapes Coming Attractions: notes on Scaling for a future class discussion Read for Friday, September 21: Cell differentiation Read for Wednesday, September 19: Some paradoxes of causation Read for Monday, September 17: Tensegrity theory of the skeleton Notes for Wednesday, September 12: The Stopak-Harris theory of collagen arrangement by fibroblast traction
Assignment distributed Monday, September 10: : most important points about Watson's discovery
Assignment for Monday, September 10 Please read the following article before Monday's class. Try to figure out what the main arguments are, and be prepared to discuss their significance. Jeremy B.A. Green (2008). Sophistications of cell sorting. Nature Cell Biology 10(4), 375-377 ----- First assignment: Read James Watson's book The Double Helix and the two files linked below: Questions for discussion of Watson and Crick [posted August 25th]
Tensegrity? [posted August 28th]
Theories of Bone Formation [posted September 5th] How to express amounts of solubility, mathematically [posted September 7th]
Another assignment: that reveals current and recent thinking by (mostly young) engineers about biological shapes. Wednesday after class, I googled my own name and found this URL:
Web links on the discovery of Helicobacter pylori as the cause of gastric ulcers
some notes on grading, from a past year's course The Dreaded Erroneous Research Paper Assignment