Images to review


    What does this show?
    What are the structures?
    How did they form?
    What will happen next?




    What kind of amoeba is this? (or if it's not an amoeba, what is it?)
    In which direction is it crawling?
    In which direction is it exerting force on the rubber substratum?
    Where is it exerting force?
    In which direction is cytoplasmic actin flowing?
    Where are actin fibers being assembled from monomers?
    If these cells moved by sending out and attaching filopodia, where would the wrinkles be?




What's going on here?
Why is it bright only in one place?
Is that where the cells are?
If not, where are the cells?
In what direction are the cells pulling?
Draw a line showing the direction of collagen fiber alignment.
What changes in symmetry are occurring, if any?
How does this help explain the formation of which anatomical structures?




    Which kind of amoeba is this?




    Which kind of amoeba is this?




    Explain what's going on here.
    Why are some cells spread out more than others?
    Why are there more cells in some areas than others?
    What is the difference between the dark and light areas of the substratum?
    What normal embryological event does this help us understand?
    How does this relate to the question of how body cells pull (or are pulled) by adhesions?




    Explain what's going on here.




    Explain what's going on here.
    What species are these cells?




    The stalk of a Dictyostelium fruiting body is formed primarily from cells at the anterior end of a slug.
    The fruiting bodies in this picture are forming from fragments of a single slug.
    Which fragments are forming which fruiting bodies?
    What is the arrow pointing to?
    What symmetries do these have?




    What are the arrows pointing to?
    Where are the neural crest cells going to come from?







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