Office Room 103 Wilson Hall: Office Hours Monday noon until 2:00; Friday noon until 4:00 and at other times by appointment
phone 966-1230
Teaching Assistants: Tessa Crowl: and Ray Fox:
1) Mon. Jan 11 | Basic concepts of embryonic development (Please read Slack: Chapter one; web page) |
2) Wed. Jan 13 | Blocks to polyspermy; resting potentials, responses of cells to voltages. web page |
3) Fri. Jan. 15 | Comparison of development & gastrulation in urchins, fish, frogs, birds & mammals; gastrulation figure; some vocabulary; (Please read Slack pages 112 to page 126; also read pages 67 through page 112) |
Mon. Jan 18 | No class: Holiday in honor of Martin Luther King |
4) Wed. Jan. 20: | Early dev. of birds and mammals (Read Slack pages 195 through 212, & 171-194) web page: Which fact has surprised you most so far? |
5) Fri. Jan. 22: | Fate mapping; cell lineages; regulative versus mosaic development; induction; homeotic genes web page; (Please read Slack Chapter 2 = pages 9 through 31 ; Don't bother to memorize his glossary) |
6) Mon. Jan. 25: | Ectoderm; neurulation; brain development; neural crest, placodes, lens, inner ear; web page |
7) Wed. Jan. 27: | Mesoderm: notochord; somites; dermatome; myotome; sclerotome; web page |
8) Fri. Jan. 29: | Intermediate mesoderm; development of kidneys, sex ducts; heart & coelom; web page |
9) Mon. Feb. 1: | Endoderm; digestive tract, lungs, liver etc. Stomodeum. |
10) Wed. Feb. 3: | Primordial germ cells and review for exam. |
review questions for exam | |
Knowing everything on the list of review questions should be sufficient for a B+ or A- | |
11) Fri. Feb. 5: | First hour exam (some short answer & essays, some short answer) |
12) Mon. Feb. 8: | Theoretical embryology; Reaction diffusion systems; web page |
links to some published papers to look at | |
13) Wed. Feb. 10: | Symmetry; reflection symmetry, displacement symmetry; "breaking symmetry" CLASS CANCELLED; web page on this topic |
14) Fri. Feb. 12: | Mechanical forces in embryos; how cells crawl, epithelia fold, and cartilage swells. CLASS CANCELLED |
15) Mon. Feb. 15: | Sorting out by differentiated and randomly mixed cells; what does it tell us? web page |
16) Wed. Feb. 17: | Curvature, tension, elasticity. Quantities are to vectors, as vectors are to...? tensors! web page |
17) Fri. Feb. 19: | How do forces create shapes; Homeostasis of geometrical shapes |
18) Mon. Feb. 22: | Theories about "Positional Information", and alternatives to them. |
19) Wed. Feb. 24: | Genes that control axis formation in flies: What Slack calls "The Breakthrough" (Please read chapter seven in Slack, and try to get the main ideas; we won't learn every detail.) |
Fri. Feb. 26: | Hox gene transcription patterns in vertebrates, including mice & humans. |
21) Mon. Mar. 1: | Review of subjects since the first exam. review questions, more review questions, overview of pattern causes and symmetries |
22) Wed. Mar. 3: | Second hour exam |
23) Fri. Mar. 5: | Developmental mechanisms in plants, as compared with animal embryology; plants.htm |
March 8-12 spring break | |
24) Mon. Mar. 15: - | Developmental mechanisms in plants, as compared with animal embryology |
25) Wed. Mar. 17: | Development of the circulatory system web page on extraembryonic membranes |
26) Fri. Mar. 19: | Development of teeth; web page |
27) Mon. Mar. 22: | Development in embryos with especially mosaic development. Chapter 5 of Slack |
28) Wed. Mar. 24: | Development in embryos with especially mosaic development web page |
29) Fri. Mar. 26: | Cellular slime molds as a model for understanding how embryos develop |
30) Mon. Mar. 29: | Regeneration; web page on Drosophila genetics pdf file on gap genes and co-linearity |
31) Wed. Mar. 31: | Stages in the history of embryology: Preformationism, Recapitulationism, etc. |
Fri. Apr. 2: | No Class: Good Friday |
32) Mon. Apr. 5: | Review of material since the previous exam: review questions |
33) Wed. Apr. 7: | Third Exam (covering subjects described since the second exam) |
34) Fri. Apr. 9: | Birth defects, and their relation to normal mechanisms of body formation; web page on limb buds |
35) Mon. Apr. 12: | Metamorphosis pdf file on grafting |
36) Wed. Apr. 14: | Wound healing in relation to normal embryological mechanisms; web page: more on limb buds and apoptosis |
37) Fri. Apr. 16: | |
38) Mon. Apr. 19: | Embryology of the nervous system web page |
39) Wed. Apr. 21: | |
39) 40) Fri. Apr. 23: | Cancer, and cell invasiveness, in relation to normal development; web page |
41) Mon. Apr. 26: | Future directions in embryological research web page on shape homeostasis |
42) Wed. Apr. 28: | Review of material covered all semester review questions, first part review questions, last part |
Classes End some final thoughts | |
Final Exam Monday May 3rd, 12:00 pm |