Biology 441   VERTEBRATE EMBRYOLOGY   Spring Semester 2010    Albert Harris

MWF 11-12 Wilson 107
Textbook: J. M. W. Slack "From Egg to Embryo" Regional Specification in Early Development
Slack's book concentrates on the molecular mechanisms & genes that control development;
He assumes readers already know basic embryology, and concentrates on experiments & concepts.

Office Room 103 Wilson Hall: Office Hours Monday noon until 2:00; Friday noon until 4:00 and at other times by appointment
phone 966-1230

Teaching Assistants: Tessa Crowl:   and   Ray Fox:


We are occasionally having problems with access to the server that supports this website, so are also maintaining the same files at
If you are expecting an update to this page and it doesn't appear in a timely fashion, please check that site also.


1) Mon. Jan 11 Basic concepts of embryonic development (Please read Slack: Chapter one; web page)
2) Wed. Jan 13 Blocks to polyspermy; resting potentials, responses of cells to voltages. web page
3) Fri. Jan. 15 Comparison of development & gastrulation in urchins, fish, frogs, birds & mammals; gastrulation figure;
some vocabulary; (Please read Slack pages 112 to page 126; also read pages 67 through page 112))
  Mon. Jan 18        No class: Holiday in honor of Martin Luther King
4) Wed. Jan. 20: Early dev. of birds and mammals (Read Slack pages 195 through 212, & 171-194)
web page: Which fact has surprised you most so far?
5) Fri. Jan. 22: Fate mapping; cell lineages; regulative versus mosaic development; induction; homeotic genes
web page; (Please read Slack Chapter 2 = pages 9 through 31 ; Don't bother to memorize his glossary)
6) Mon. Jan. 25: Ectoderm; neurulation; brain development; neural crest, placodes, lens, inner ear; web page
7) Wed. Jan. 27: Mesoderm: notochord; somites; dermatome; myotome; sclerotome; web page
8) Fri. Jan. 29: Intermediate mesoderm; development of kidneys, sex ducts; heart & coelom; web page
9) Mon. Feb. 1: Endoderm; digestive tract, lungs, liver etc. Stomodeum.
10) Wed. Feb. 3: Primordial germ cells and review for exam.
 review questions for exam
  Knowing everything on the list of review questions should be sufficient for a B+ or A-
11) Fri. Feb. 5: First hour exam (some short answer & essays, some short answer)
12) Mon. Feb. 8: Theoretical embryology; Reaction diffusion systems; web page
  links to some published papers to look at
13) Wed. Feb. 10: Symmetry; reflection symmetry, displacement symmetry; "breaking symmetry"
CLASS WAS CANCELLED; web page on this topic
14) Fri. Feb. 12: Mechanical forces in embryos; how cells crawl, epithelia fold, and cartilage swells.
15) Mon. Feb. 15: Sorting out by differentiated and randomly mixed cells; what does it tell us? web page
16) Wed. Feb. 17: Curvature, tension, elasticity. Quantities are to vectors, as vectors are to...? tensors! web page
17) Fri. Feb. 19: How do forces create shapes; Homeostasis of geometrical shapes
18) Mon. Feb. 22: Theories about "Positional Information", and alternatives to them.
19) Wed. Feb. 24: Genes that control axis formation in flies: What Slack calls "The Breakthrough"
(Please read chapter seven in Slack, and try to get the main ideas; we won't learn every detail.)
Fri. Feb. 26: Hox gene transcription patterns in vertebrates, including mice & humans.
21) Mon. Mar. 1: Review of subjects since the first exam.
review questions, more review questions, overview of pattern causes and symmetries
22) Wed. Mar. 3: Second hour exam
23) Fri. Mar. 5: Developmental mechanisms in plants, as compared with animal embryology; web page
         March 8-12 spring break
24) Mon. Mar. 15: - Developmental mechanisms in plants, as compared with animal embryology
25) Wed. Mar. 17: Development of the circulatory system
web page on extraembryonic membranes
26) Fri. Mar. 19: Development of teeth;   web page
27) Mon. Mar. 22: Development in embryos with especially mosaic development. Chapter 5 of Slack
28) Wed. Mar. 24: Development in embryos with especially mosaic development
web page
29) Fri. Mar. 26: Cellular slime molds as a model for understanding how embryos develop
30) Mon. Mar. 29: Regeneration
31) Wed. Mar. 31: Stages in the history of embryology: Preformationism, Recapitulationism, etc.
 Fri. Apr. 2:        No Class: Good Friday
32) Mon. Apr. 5: Review of material since the previous exam: a list of sample questions will be posted
33) Wed. Apr. 7: Third Exam (covering subjects described since the second exam)
34) Fri. Apr. 9: Birth defects, and their relation to normal mechanisms of body formation
35) Mon. Apr. 12: Metamorphosis
36) Wed. Apr. 14: Wound healing in relation to normal embryological mechanisms
37) Fri. Apr. 16: Cancer, and cell invasiveness, in relation to normal development
38) Mon. Apr. 19: Cancer, and cell invasiveness, in relation to normal development
39) Wed. Apr. 21: Embryology of the immune system, & autoimmune diseases like MS, RA, Lupus
39) 40) Fri. Apr. 23: Embryology of the immune system, & autoimmune diseases like MS, RA, Lupus
41) Mon. Apr. 26: Future directions in embryological research
42) Wed. Apr. 28: Review of material covered all semester
  Classes End
  Final Exam Monday May 3rd, 12:00 pm


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